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Featured Company: A P I Pumps K Z N (Pty) Ltd

Read about who’s who in the Industry: A P I Pumps was founded in 1976 as a supplier and installer of water pumps and associated equipment. The Company has qualified technical and sales staff, equipped to deal with most of the aspects of fluid dynamics related to pumps and pumping systems based in Durban, Ballito and the Western Cape.

A P I Pumps K Z N (Pty) Ltd - Featured Company

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About Wendy De Wet

I joined Leads 2 Business as an Account Executive in July 2011 and was part of the dynamic sales team in JHB for 2 years. I relocated to the beautiful city of Durban in 2013 and absolutely love KZN. I am very proud to be part of the L2B family and Legacy!

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