How To: View Sent Advisories

View this quick video tutorial from The How-To Series – How To: View Sent Advisories History.

(Duration 59 seconds)

Sent Advisories is a copy of Advisory Emails verbatim at the time they are generated/sent and is available via the Sent Advisories link on your Subscriber profile

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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

L2B FAQs Part 2

posted in: How To 0

You’ve likely asked one of the below FAQs included in today’s post related to your browser, your speed and various ways to contact us. Don’t forget to check out L2B FAQs Part 1.

For more assistance check out our How-To features and Wiki Help which has tutorials on all L2B functionality.

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About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

How To: Project View Details & Functionality

Download, Monitor, Set Reminders, Add Notes, Follow-up with our Researchers and so much more functionality when Viewing a Project on L2B – here’s a quick video tutorial from “The How To Series”.

(Duration 2 min,51 sec)

Do you have a ‘How To’ you’d like us to cover? Leave a comment and let us know.

Check out more content on our Pages: Leads2Business LinkTree


To view more from our How To Series, please visit Leads 2 Business Blog.
If you are interested in becoming one of our subscribers, please visit Leads 2 Business.
To view our Wiki Help with screenshots and video tutorials, please visit Leads 2 Business Wiki.

About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

How To: Tender View Details & Functionality

Download, Monitor, Set Reminders, Add Notes, Follow-up with our Researchers and so much more functionality when Viewing a Tender on L2B – here’s a quick video tutorial from “The How To Series”.

(Duration 2 min,52 sec)

Do you have a ‘How To’ you’d like us to cover? Leave a comment and let us know.

To view more from our How To Series, please visit Leads 2 Business Blog.
If you are interested in becoming one of our subscribers, please visit Leads 2 Business.
To view our Wiki Help with screenshots and video tutorials, please visit Leads 2 Business Wiki.

About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

How To: Create a New Bill Request 2021 (L2Q)

Create a New Bill Request v 2021. Send us your Bill of Quantities (BoQ) to be formatted and traded. We upload it electronically for you to send out RFQ’s to Vendors and Suppliers. – here’s a quick video tutorial from “The How To Series”.

(Duration 2 min,40 sec)

Do you have a ‘How To’ you’d like us to cover? Leave a comment and let us know.

To view more from our How To Series, please visit Leads 2 Business Blog.
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To view our Wiki Help with screenshots and video tutorials, please visit Leads 2 Business Wiki.

About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

Vendor Quick Guide

Learn about some RFQ Vendor basic functionality with a Quick Guide video tutorial from “The How-To Series”. (Duration 1m 37s)

Record your responses, respond to quotes online and improve your indicator.


To view more from our How To Series, please visit Leads 2 Business Blog.
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To view our Wiki Help with screenshots and video tutorials, please visit Leads 2 Business Wiki.

About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

L2B New Search 2021

Welcome to the New L2B Search that has been developed with feedback from subscribers over the past few years. In this blog, we are going to cover the new features of the Search. Most of the features on our previous search page are still available in the new L2B Search. If you have any additional questions or need further assistance please contact us via email, live support, phone or using our contact form.

(Duration 3m 15s)

To view more from our How To Series, please visit Leads 2 Business Blog.
If you are interested in becoming one of our subscribers, please visit Leads 2 Business.
To view our Wiki Help with screenshots and video tutorials, please visit Leads 2 Business Wiki.

About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

L2B New Search

Welcome to the New L2B Search that has been developed with feedback from subscribers over the past few years. In this blog, we are going to cover the new features of the Search. Most of the features on our previous search page are still available in the new L2B Search. If you have any additional questions or need further assistance please contact us via email, live support, phone or using our contact form.

When you access the Search (for the first time) you will notice a pop-up requesting you to Enable/Allow Location permissions. You will need to click Allow in order to be able to use the new Location functionality correctly. If you Block this permission the search will still continue but may produce irrelevant results as the Location filter will not included in the search algorithm.
If you clear your Browser Cache, Cookies & History at any point you will be required to Allow this again as all your preferences will be disabled.

Technical Tip: When accessing L2B you need to have the latest version for browsers such as Edge, Chrome or Firefox.


The search page basic layout is as follows. Clicking the Leads 2 Business logo will take you to your Dashboard/Homepage.

Icons and Menus

indicates the Hamburger button for Search Filters. So named for its unintentional resemblance to a hamburger, its function is to toggle the search filter bar between being collapsed behind the button or displayed on the screen (expanded).

The filters display as follows if expanded:

The filters also include a new Location Filter which uses your enabled location to search for leads relevant to the radius from your location

The search icon/button which can be used in conjunction with filters and/or keyword searches

The keyword search text box where you can enter your relevant keywords

The reset icon/button which can be used at any time to clear all filters and keywords and reset your search

Search Hints assist you with additional search functionality

The subscriber menu which allows you to open your personalised pages

the page size drop-down which you can use to change the page size of results

the ordered by filter which you can use to change how your results are ordered


Your Download format shortcuts and Settings

The actions drop-down which you can use to tag, dismiss, monitor and unmonitor selected items

the found items indicator/counter

which looks as follows when doing a search, here we are also showing the keyword search which you can clear by selecting the X.

Page numbers display at the top and bottom of the search page

Selected item indicators. Items can be deselected by clicking on the relevant X.

the Select All function which allows you to select all the leads on a selected page

Performing Searches

Keywords Search Suggest or Autocomplete is an L2B search engine function that provides suggestions to users as they enter their search query into the search box. This search takes into account newest, relevance, views and will also assist if you make spelling errors.

Partial contract numbers will also provide suggested results:

When selecting an item from the list of suggested results that item will open to the relevant lead (tender, project or directory) view page thereby assisting with search efficiency.

Discover Linked Items are related to your search results and click on the items to discover more


Less is more, for example instead of searching for “private hospital musina extension 13” try “private hospital musina”.

View Linked Items on Companies

To view linked leads on Companies (this includes company levels like Division, Branch and Contact) you need to search for the company and click on the discover icon via the search page:

Which will open on a new tab to show results for linked items:


No Results

When searching with a keyword/text and there are no results the following page will appear.

Clicking View Suggestions will remove all filters from the search in order to try and provide more results and also attempt to determine what you are looking for by expanding the criteria to include possible spelling mistakes amongst other things. If no additional results are available then it’s best to try another search using different keywords or simpler terms.

Below is another example of no results but on the second screenshot showing the View suggestion results:

Directory Tip

When searching using phone numbers all these formats should produce results if the phone number is listed on L2B: “0027 00 000 0000″,”0027000000000″,”+27 00 000 0000″,”+27000000000″,”27 00 000 0000″,”27000000000″,”000 000 0000″,”0000000000″,”000 000 0000″,”0000000000”

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To view notes with screenshots on how to use our website, please visit Leads 2 Business Wiki.

About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

How To: Contact Us

Check out all the ways you can contact Leads 2 Business – Click, Call, Chat or Email.

(Duration 1m 22s)

To view more from our How To Series, please visit Leads 2 Business Blog.
If you are interested in becoming one of our subscribers, please visit Leads 2 Business.
To view our Wiki Help with screenshots and video tutorials, please visit Leads 2 Business Wiki.

About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

How To: Trade Mapping

For our L2Q Buyers: Learn how to add and/or remove Trade Mapping

(Duration 1m 24s)

To view more from our How To Series, please visit Leads 2 Business Blog.
If you are interested in becoming one of our subscribers, please visit Leads 2 Business.
To view our Wiki Help with screenshots and video tutorials, please visit Leads 2 Business Wiki.

About Sasha Anderson

Millennial Mom + wife living the hash-tag life. Reach out if you want to talk: L2B, social media, construction, technology, marriage, parenting, popular culture and travel. Remember: If You Fail - Fail Forward

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