Featured Tender: Rehabilitation Works of the Tata Loboko Stadium in the Mboukou District in Pointe Noire

Featured Tender: Congo

Contract Number:

CG-DURQUAP-084 BIS-TX-AON-2 – Ministry of Planning, Territorial Equipment, Major Works


Project Id P146933: The Government of the Republic of Congo has received a loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to finance the Urban Development and Restructuring of Precarious Neighborhoods Project “DURQuaP” and intends to use part of this loan to make eligible payments under the Rehabilitation Works of the Tata Loboko Stadium in the Mboukou District in Pointe Noire. The DURQuaP Project Coordination Unit is soliciting closed bids from eligible bidders to carry out the rehabilitation works of the Tata Loboko Stadium in the Mboukou District in Pointe Noire in four (4) seperate lots. Lot 1: Construction of architectural works, Lot 2: VRD and landscaping, Lot 3: Photovoltaic installation Lot 4: Sports equipment and furniture

Category Industry
Infrastructure, Facilities Management, Alternate Energy, Materials & Supplies, Building Institutional, Renovations, Hospitality & Leisure
Region Site Inspection
Congo (Brazzaville) No Details
Closing Date Contract Period
01 October 2020 at 10:00 (Local Time) No details


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About Michelle Ngubo

I have been working at L2B since March 2014 and my current position is Tenders Africa Deputy HOD and Classy is the best word that describes me.

Featured Tender: Capacity Improvements To The EB Cloete Interchange

Featured Tender: KZN

Contract Number:

N.002-250-2009/9B – SANRAL – Readvertisement


The South African National Roads Agency Soc Limited (SANRAL) Invites Tenders For capacity Improvements To The EB Cloete Interchange (km 17,21) On National Route 2 Section 25 which Includes The N2 From Wiggens Road Underpass (km 16,0) To Umgeni Road Interchange (km 20,7) And National Route 3 Section 1 Between Sherwood Interchange (km 8,4) To Westville Viaduct (km 11,8). This Project Is In The Province Of Kwazulu Natal In The Ethekwini Metropolitan Municipality the Approximate Duration Is 63 Months (Including The 3 Month Mobilization Period).

Category Industry
Infrastructure, Electrical & Instrument Road
Region Site Inspection
KwaZulu-Natal No Details.
Closing Date Contract Period
13 November 2020 at 11:00 63 Months

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Featured Tender: Construction of DN 300 x 5,5 km Long Steel Pipeline from Nsimbini Pumpstation to Bomela North Reservoir

Featured Tender: KZN

Contract Number:

Ugu-07-1542-2020 – Ugu District Municipality


The Ugu District Municipality invites tenders for the Construction of DN 300 x 5,5 km Long Steel Pipeline from Nsimbini Pumpstation to Bomela North Reservoir.

Category Industry
Infrastructure Water
Region Site Inspection
KwaZulu-Natal 2020/08/20 11:00
Closing Date Contract Period
11 September 2020 at 12:00 No details


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Featured Tender: Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Design and Environmental and Impact Assessment for 137 kms of Roads in Abia State

Featured Tender: Nigeria

Contract Number:

Abia State Intergrated Infrastructure Development Project (Expression of Interest) – Ministry of Works Abia State


Financing Agreement Reference:5500155013301 Project ID No.:P-NG-000-0011. The Abia State Government, through the Federal Ministry of Finance, the Federal Republic of Nigeria, has received financing from the African Development Bank towards the cost of implementing the ABIA STATE INTEGRATED INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT, and intends to apply part of the financing towards payments under the contract for the Feasibility studies, Detailed Engineering Design, and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for 137kms of roads, erosion control, and Solid Waste Management in Aba and Umuahia Cities in Abia state, Nigeria. The services included under this project are in two Phases:- a) Phase 1: Feasibility study including the preliminary design, cost estimates, Economic Evaluation, Preliminary environmental & social impacts for 137km of roads, erosion control, and Solid Waste Management. b) Phase 2: Detailed engineering design, including Detailed Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, development of Resettlement Action Plan and bidding documents for 137km of roads, erosion control, and Solid Waste Management. The State Project Implementation Unit (SPIU) of the Abia State Ministry of Works now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions/areas, availability of appropriate skills and deployment of relevant technologies among staff, etc.). Consultants may constitute joint-ventures to enhance their chances of qualification.

Category Industry
Consultants Institutional
Region Site Inspection
Nigeria No Details
Closing Date Contract Period
27 July 2020 at 12:00 (Local Time) No details


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About Michelle Ngubo

I have been working at L2B since March 2014 and my current position is Tenders Africa Deputy HOD and Classy is the best word that describes me.

Featured Tender: TAR Surfacing Repairs and Asphalt Overlay at King Street and Blyth Street Intersection

Featured Tender: Eastern Cape

Contract Number:

MNQ/SCM/56/19-20 – Mnquma Local Municipality


Mnquma Local Municipality hereby invites experienced contractors for the construction of the following projects: TAR Surfacing Repairs and Asphalt Overlay at King Street and Blyth Street Intersection.

Category Industry
Infrastructure Road
Region Site Inspection
Eastern Cape There will be no compulsory briefing sessions due to COVID19 pandemic
Closing Date Contract Period
15 July 2020 at 12:00 No details


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About Nazeema Sishi

I am a content researcher who just started with Leads 2 Business in February this year, I work in the Daily Tenders South Africa department. I am a young vibrant lady who enjoys meeting new people and doing new things. I welcome challenges and always find new ways of doing things. I am a mum and I love spending time with my not so little, very talkative son.

Featured Tender: Proposal for the Panel of Service Providers (Consulting Engineers and Contractor) for the Planning, Design and Construction of WSIG (Using a turnkey strategy)

Featured Tender: Eastern Cape

Contract Number:

ANDM/IDMSWSA/148/04/05/20 – Alfred Nzo District Municipality


Alfred Nzo District Municipality (ANDM) is inviting all suitable Qualified and Experienced Professional Service Providers to submit bids for the following projects: Proposal for the Panel of Service Providers (Consulting Engineers and Contractor) for the Planning, Design and Construction of WSIG (Using a turnkey strategy).

Category Industry
Consultants, Infrastructure Water
Region Site Inspection
Eastern Cape NB: There will be no compulsory briefing
Closing Date Contract Period
23 June 2020 at 10:00 No details


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About Nazeema Sishi

I am a content researcher who just started with Leads 2 Business in February this year, I work in the Daily Tenders South Africa department. I am a young vibrant lady who enjoys meeting new people and doing new things. I welcome challenges and always find new ways of doing things. I am a mum and I love spending time with my not so little, very talkative son.

Featured Tender: Consultancy Services for Undertaking Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Design, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Preparation of Tender Documents for Upgrading of Nangurukuru – Liwale Road Section (230 Km) to Bitumen Standard

Featured Tender: Tanzania

Contract Number:

AE/001/2019-20/HQ/C/55 – Tanzania National Roads Agency


This invitation for expression of interest follows the General Procurement Notice (GPN) which appeared in Daily News Issue no. N/A dated 26/09/2019. The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has set aside funds for the operation of the Tanzania National Roads Agency – HQ during the financial year 2019/20. It is intended that part of the proceeds of the fund will be used to cover eligible payment under the contract for the Consultancy Services for Undertaking Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Design, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Preparation of Tender Documents for Upgrading of Nangurukuru – Liwale Road Section (230 Km) to Bitumen Standard. The Tanzania National Roads Agency – HQ now invites eligible Firms to indicate their interest in providing the services which include Consultancy Services for Undertaking Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Design, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Preparation of Tender Documents for Upgrading of Nangurukuru – Liwale Road Section (230 Km) to Bitumen Standard

Category Industry
Consultants Institutional
Region Site Inspection
Tanzania No Details
Closing Date Contract Period
22 June 2020 at 10:00 (Local Time) No details


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Featured Tender: Consultancy Services for Review of Feasibility Study, Preparation of Detailed Design and Tender Documents of the Proposed Pesi Dam Water Supply Project

Featured Tender: Kenya

Contract Number:

CRVWWDA/PESI/C/DAM/1/2019-2020 (Expression of Interest) – Central Rift Valley Water Works Development Agency


Central Rift Valley Water Works Development Agency was established under Water Act 2016, as an autonomous agency reporting to the Ministry of Water & Sanitation and Irrigation. The Agency was created to improve delivery of water services within areas of its jurisdiction which include Baringo, Laikipia, Nakuru, Narok and Nyandarua Counties mainly through construction of National Bulk Water and Sewerage Works. The primary objective of Pesi Dam Water Supply Project is to provide a reliable and sustainable water supply to Nyahururu Town, Ol Kalou, Ol Joro Olok, Ndaragwa, Mairo Inya, Karampton and other needy areas within the project areas. Kenya Water Security and Climate Resilience Project – Phase 1 Preparation of a National Water Infrastructure Investment Pipeline (NWIIP), Feasibility Study for Malewa Dam and Water Supply to Ol Kalou, Naivasha and Gilgil Towns in Nyandarua and Nakuru Counties Feasibility Study of Water Supply to Ol Kalou Town by EGIS – EAU in September 2019. The Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation through Central Rift Valley Water Works Development Agency intends to identify a suitable Consultancy firm to undertake the Review of the Feasibility Study, Carry out the Detailed Design and Prepare Tender Document for the water supply system for the proposed project area. Scope of works: (i) Review the Feasibility study of the dam and water supply system; ((ii) Carry out Hydrological study, Geological and Geotechnical Studies of the selected 2 dam sites and based on the results of the study, select the most suitable dam site; (iii) Carry out detailed Dam Design including spillway and Intake structure and other ancillary works based on the existing feasibility study; (iv) Prepare Dam Safety Plans / Report; (v) Carry out route survey, preliminary and detailed design of water transmission pipeline from the treatment plant to supply areas; (vii) Carry out Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and assist the Client to acquire the Licence; (viii) Prepare the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and Valuation Report of Project Affected Persons / Institutions for areas affected by the Project and assist the Client in the Implementation of the RAP; (ix) Prepare Tender Documents; (x) Assist the Client in evaluation of the Tenders to Procure Contractor; and (xi) Prepare the Terms of Reference for Supervision Phase. The Central Rift Valley Water Works Development Agency hereby invites eligible Consultancy firms to indicate their interest for Consultancy Services.

Category Industry
Consultants Institutional, Water
Region Site Inspection
Kenya No Details
Closing Date Contract Period
15 May 2020 at 12:00 (Local Time) No details


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About Pauline Rainbird

I have been working at L2B since March 2011 and my current position is Deputy Head of Department - Africa. When I am not working I am either riding my bicycle or spending time with my dogs.

Featured Tender: Appointment of a professional Civil Engineering service provider for the construction of Roads, walkways and stormwater at Westlake Campus

Featured Tender: Appointment of a professional Civil Engineering service provider for the planning, designing, contract documentation and site supervision for the construction of Roads, walkways and stormwater at Westlake Campus – Western Cape.

Contract Number:

FBCT3/2020 – False Bay TVET College


Bids are hereby invited for False Bay TVET College: Appointment of a professional Civil Engineering service provider for the planning, designing, contract documentation and site supervision for the construction of Roads, walkways and stormwater at Westlake Campus.

Category Industry
Consultants Institutional
Region Site Inspection
Western Cape 2020-04-16 11:00 AM
Closing Date Contract Period
30 April 2020 at 11:00 No details


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About Carmen Van Der Westhuizen

I've been working for L2B since January 2020. I am lucky to be married to my bestfriend. I love a good Braai and spending time with my Family and friends. When I am not working or with those I love, I am planning my next holiday.

Featured Tender: Construction and Commissioning of a Re – Fueling Facility for Kariba and Chirundu Stations

Featured Tender: Construction and Commissioning of a Re – Fueling Facility for Kariba and Chirundu Stations – Zimbabwe

Contract Number:

ZIMRANCB21/2020 – Zimbabwe Revenue Authority


The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) invites prospective suppliers to participate in the following tender: Construction and Commissioning of a Re – Fueling Facility for Kariba and Chirundu Stations.

Category Industry
Trades, Building Institutional
Region Site Inspection
Harare 2020-04-06 10:00 AM
Closing Date Contract Period
21 April 2020 at 10:00 (Local Time) No details


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To view more Featured Tenders, please visit our Leads 2 Business Blog.

About Michelle Ngubo

I have been working at L2B since March 2014 and my current position is Tenders Africa Deputy HOD and Classy is the best word that describes me.

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