Home » Featured Tender » FEATURED TENDER: Procurement of a Prospective Independent Power Producer (IPP) to Design, Finance, Construct, Own, Operate, Maintain and Decommission at the End of Its Economic Life, a 100 MW Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant in Letlhakane, Botswana

FEATURED TENDER: Procurement of a Prospective Independent Power Producer (IPP) to Design, Finance, Construct, Own, Operate, Maintain and Decommission at the End of Its Economic Life, a 100 MW Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant in Letlhakane, Botswana

Botswana – PPA1035073

Contract Number:

MME/PEDU/3/4/24-25 – Ministry of Minerals and Energy


A Works Contract for the Procurement of a Prospective Independent Power Producer (IPP) to Design, Finance, Construct, Own, Operate, Maintain and Decommission at the End of Its Economic Life (Minimum 25 Years) a 100 MW Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant in Letlhakane Botswan.

Category Industry
Consultants, Alternate Energy Institutional
Region Site Inspection
Botswana 2024-08-02 9:00 AM
Closing Date Contract Period
04 September 2024 at 10:00 (Local Time) No Details

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