Description :  Construction of the Busamed Modderfontein Private Hospital located on Malboro Drive in Modderfontein, Gauteng. The hospital will be a 3-storey development with 200 beds and will also include a sports clinic and 100 bed sub-acute facility. The planned area of development is 20 000m². Estimated value of R200 million. The possible names previously for this hospital was Greenstone Private Hospital or Long Lake Private Hospital.

Status : Underway

Type : Building

Region : Edenvale

Sector : Invited / Negotiated

Value : R100 million +

Timing : 2014 onwards.

Notes: Construction is ongoing. The estimated completion date is the 1st quarter of 2016.

If you are a valued Projects subscriber, you can find more details at  PPA 11065.

2 Responses

  1. Jayna
    | Reply

    Huh? I voted ‘could care less’. What leads you to think I support a new stadium? I don’t care stadium or no stadium, I am outta here in two more years (counting the days). Stadium debate is of no concern to me. I was just pointing out that public transit from Tacoma to Seattle is very limited and the Tacomadome is not a feasible answer as long as public transportation remains as insufficient as it is currently.I give a big ᫞mehࢣ to all professional sports anyway. Last days of the Roman Empire bread and circuses and all that….. – Rate this comment: 5  1

    • Eldary Carpenter
      | Reply

      Thank you for your comment. Please let us know if you have any questions relating to Private Projects or Tenders we publish on our website for our Subscribers.

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